The boys at the back of the school bus were restless. Stevie did his best to ignore the others. ""Settled own!"Mr Taylor said. "We'll be there soon. Wait till you see the climbing walls. You'll be very happy." Stevie hadn't liked this "Boys Rulz" club from the start. They were troublemakers. Mom had made him join because she was worried that he didn't seem to be fitting in. It was n this fault, thought Stevie, school was boring. None of the teachers trusted him, and no special boy's group was to change that.
All the boys stared up in wonder at the huge climbing walls. Stevie looked down at his thin arms and wondered how he could climb up that. Mr Taylor and a man called Rick helped the boys get into their harnesses (保护带) and showed them how to climb up. "Now find a partner and get them to check all your straps (带子) and everything," said Mr Taylor. The boys quickly paired off, leaving Stevie standing there alone. "Cool, you're with me," said Rick, holding up his hand for a high-five. Stevie high-five d him back weakly. Stevie was on a tiny wall which the others had called the "baby wall". He gritted his teeth (咬紧牙关), his face pressed against the rough surface and reached for the next, hold. "Done!" he called down from the top. "Now let go of the rock and walk down as I showed you," said Rick. "It's perfectly safe." Stevie did as instructed, and Rick started to let him down slowly. "Well done," said Rick when Stevie got to the bottom.
Then someone pointed out that Mr Taylor hadn't done any climbing himself." I plan to, "said Mr Taylor." But I'll need a partner, someone I can really trust. "The boys volunteered actively, but Mr Taylor pretended he hadn't heard. He looked around the group. "How about you, Stevie?" he said at last. "Fancy being my belayer?" A be layer is somebody who controls how you come down, the one that stops you from falling.
Stevie looked up, greatly surprised.
"Ready to let me down?" Mr Taylor called down to Stevie.